The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include:
- Private sick notes
- Insurance forms
- Holiday cancellation forms
- Medical reports
- Fitness to travel certificates
- Private prescriptions
- Some vaccination services
- Medical examinations for insurance companies
- Employers
- Adoption agencies
- Gym memberships
- Certain specialised diet plans (this list is not exhaustive)
Our fees for these services are available from the secretaries, ring 01462 732200 and press 4.
Please view this leaflet for guidance on forms, medicals and non-NHS work (PDF).
Please note, we do not provide advice on travel vaccination requirements, or provide prescriptions for malaria (available from pharmacies).
The only travel vaccinations on the NHS provided at this practice (where appropriate) are tetanus/diphtheria/polio, typhoid and hepatitis A.
We do not offer occupational health vaccinations at this practice. Please contact your employer or your employer’s Occupational Health Department.