If you’ve been off sick for 7 days or less
If you’re off work sick for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. Instead, they can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work. We call this self-certification.
Find out more about sick notes on the NHS website.
If you’ve been off sick for more than 7 days
To request a sick note:
- use the Accurx online service
If you have requested a Fitness to work certificate please allow the surgery time to process this. The doctor may call you for further information .
If you have already been seen by your doctor your certificate will be processed within 10 working days of your request. Please do not contact us prior to this time for updates.
If you require an additional sick (fit) note
If you have already had a sick note (fit note) for this illness your doctor may not need to see you to issue an additional sick note.
Please use our Accurx service to request a sick note.
We will contact you to let you know when you can collect your sick / fit note or we may contact you to arrange an appointment.