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Feedback and complaints

We are continually looking to turn patient feedback into real improvements in the services we provide. We use it to focus on the things that matter most to our patients, carers and their families.

Giving feedback

To provide feedback:

We aim to provide the best possible service for all our patients, but there may be times when you feel this has not happened.

Complaints policy

To help us to investigate your complaint fully we ask that where possible you put your complaint in writing so we are able to answer fully. If you are unable to put your complaint in writing please contact reception and leave your details for our manager so that your details can be passed to a manager who may direct you to a complaints support service for support.

We request that all complaints are where possible:

  • In writing (either by completing our complaints form or by letter)
  • Within twelve months of the event

The complaints form is available at reception, or you can download and complete a form to return to reception (PDF). The completed form must either be submitted by hand into the practice or posted to us. Please note that emails are not accepted.

Complaints should be addressed to:

Practice and complaints manager
Larksfield Surgery
Arlesey Road
SG5 4HB.

We aim to acknowledge your complaint within ten working days. Once we have fully investigated your complaint you will receive a written summary of the investigation and its conclusion within twenty working days (or as soon as reasonably practicable). This part of the procedure is called local resolution.

If you need help with making your complaint the Health Complaints Advocacy Service (HCAS) can provide free, impartial and independent information, advocacy and support to members of the public, wishing to make a formal complaint about the National Health Service (NHS).

The HCAS provider for Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire is:

Postal address
Hertlands House
Primett Road
Herts SG1 3EE

0300 456 2370



Please feel free to contact us with any comments or suggestions you may have.

You may also wish to contact NHS England on 0300 311 22 33 and they will be able to assist you with your case. NHS England is there to help you with any issues or worries you may have about a service you or someone you care for is receiving and to help resolve issues and concerns before they become complaints. However, if you remain dissatisfied, then you may wish to make a formal complaint, ideally as soon after the incident or event as possible.

Complaints procedure information leaflet (PDF).